Thursday, July 30, 2009

Youth Week

You asked for it, now you got it! Here is the Youth Week information. comment, text, call or facebook me any questions or ideas!

August 16th (Sunday) Pool Party and Group Games @ the Hertl’s (15 Liverpool Ct. TR) 4pm to 8pm

August 17th (Monday) Six Flags: Great Adventure $30 10am to 10pm

August 18th (Tuesday) Movie Night and Group Games @ FUMC of Toms River 6pm to 9pm

August 19th (Wednesday) Delaware River Tubing $17 10am to 6pm

August 20th (Thursday) Sports Night against St. Andrews 6pm to 9pm

August 21st (Friday to Saturday) Lock-in followed by a service project @ FUMC of Toms River 6pm to noon the next day

Youth Sunday is August 30th at all three services!

*Note: this is a link to the waiver for Thursday's tubing adventure.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Client Night Thursday, July 16th 2009

Hi. Geez there is a lot of stuff happening these first few weeks in July. This Thursday there is a client night with the UMARMY here in Toms River. Everyone from the youth group is invited to join the UMARMY as we serve a meal to the youth and to the clients. Please arrive around 4pm to help prepare the meal and around 530 to serve the meal. I haven't been to a client night before, so I don't know how long the event lasts, but I imagine it won't be more than 2 hours (so 6-8 for the meal and program). Let me know if you plan on helping out!

Also, remember that you are welcome to join the UMARMY every day for worship at 7am and 930pm. Wednesday night is a special "experiential" worship service so please plan on attending that, if you have the time. See ya!

UMARMY Themes and Schedule

Hello! Several people have asked about the themes for this year's UMARMY. Well I finally have it! Here it is, along with the schedule:

Saturday, July 18th 5pm - Pack the U-haul truck with supplies and luggage

Sunday, July 19th 9:30am - Attend Contemporary worship service, be commissioned and depart

Sunday Night Theme - "Get Acquainted" and discover color groups and work teams

Monday Night - "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" and represent your favorite baseball team

Tuesday Night - "Swim Night" so bring a bathing suit and snorkeling gear

Wednesday Night - "Eating Out" with our color groups, including games and maybe karaoke

Thursday Night - "Client Night" where clients join us for dinner and celebrate our accomplishments

Saturday, July 25th 4pm - Approximate arrival time back at First UMC of Toms River

Call or email me with any questions. Thanks!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

UMARMY Dinner in TR

Hey team. As many of you know the UMARMY host church provides dinner on the first night for the team coming in to do service projects. We are hosting a group from Massachusetts and Connecticut so we need to make dinner! It starts on July 12th at 6pm, but if you are helping you should be there at least half an hour early. We will serve about 60-65 people hot dogs, mac 'n cheese and baked beans. It should be a simple meal to prepare, but we need some help. This is open to anyone 7th grade and up. Come join us in welcoming a UMARMY team to our community! Thanks.

Youth Council Meeting

Here's a thought: youth ministry only happens with the dedication, talent, love and energy of youth. Youth Council is a group that meets to help steer the course of the youth ministry. So that means, if the youth council is going to steer well it needs all the good things that young people bring to the table. So here's another thought: why don't some youth and young adults join the youth council to decide what the youth group does! Its only a thought, but maybe some youth and young adults would be interested in joining us July 26th at 4pm in the parsonage (101 Walchest Drive). Comment with your thoughts, or come to the meeting and tell us what you think!

Here's the agenda for youth council:

review the youth ministry.
what is the purpose of youth ministry?
what does our ministry do well?
what does our ministry do poorly and how can we change that?
in what direction do we want to move?

Should we add anything else? Let me know! God bless.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Its time to get down to business! I'm new here so I don't know much about how things normally go in terms of retreats. Here's what I'm thinking, though. I heard the UMARMY is normally 'commissioned' by the contemporary service and the youth group literally leaves for Williamsport at the end of the service. That sounds like a plan to me! Please plan on attending the contemporary service of FUMC of Toms River July 19th, at 9:30 am. That would also mean all our stuff needs to be packed before the service. Please plan on coming to FUMC Toms River Saturday, July 18th at 5pm to pack the truck and U-Haul. We return Saturday, July 25th, probably around 4pm. Be sure your permission slips are turned in and all the forms are filled out properly. Are you excited, yet? I am! See you soon.

Friday, July 3, 2009

This is a work in progress

Hello everyone! I am Brian Neville. I'll be your Assistant Pastor for the foreseeable future! My main responsibility is making the youth group go! I hope to have lots of pictures, music and videos of the youth on this page, but it might take a while before we have some of that to put up here. You'll also be able to check out calendar events. You can see the date, time and location of events and there should be plenty of extra information for parents, as well. Just click on the event you are interested in. I can't wait to get to know the people of Toms River United Methodist Church, and as I know you better this site will change as you, yourselves add to it! You can find my email address on the main church page and my home phone number in the church bulletin. Ask me for my cell phone number and text me. I love texting almost as much as I love amazing youth games. Ok, that's it for now, but be sure to say hello and let me know who you are and what kinds of things you like to do. See ya!