The Calendar is at the bottom. Here is a list of all the major events in our youth ministry.
These are the events from September to December: Back-to-School Olympics, Parent Night, our weekly Bible study which runs along side Kids for Christ, the Crop Hunger Walk, the Alive Retreat in Ocean City, MD at the end of November, and our annual Christmas Party.
The Summer looks different from the rest of the year since we don't have weekly youth meetings or Bible study, but we gear up for two big events in July and August: Work Camp (UMARMY) sometime in July and Youth Week in August to have fun and kick off a new year of youth ministry.
Immediately below this text you'll find an agenda view of our calendar. It lists the next several events at our church. Just scroll down on the side to view future events. At the bottom of the page you'll find our youth calendar. Its pretty easy to use. Just click on the blue text of an event and a small window will pop up with a description of the event. You can even click on the map link and get directions. If you want to look ahead just click on the arrow next to the month. Another great feature is the print button. Simply click it and print all the events for the month!