Monday, November 23, 2009

The Christmas Season

Hey guys. So Christmas is coming around. Here are the events you should know about:

November 25th - 6pm - Christmas decorating around the church
December 20th - 6pm - Christmas party at the Hertl's. Bring a small (less than $5), wrapped present!
December 23rd - Bible Study is on! We'll finish 'The Nativity Story'
December 24th - 10am - Brian and Emily get married! Everyone is welcome to the ceremony!
December 27th - 6pm - No Youth Group Meeting
December 30th - 9pm - Bowling at the Playdrome. meet at Church, return by 1030, $7 for shoes and a game
February 5-7 - ??pm - Winter Retreat Ski Trip! 150 bucks. Make sure you sign up!

Feel like your missing out on what's happening? Give Brian your cellular device number and he'll send texts about meetings and special events. Remember, Jesus loves you!