Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Parent Resource #2 - Media Consumption

The youth group watches movies once a month as part of the Wednesday Night Bible Study.  If you haven't been to Bible Study in a while come to room 10 at FUMCTR January 26th for The Secret of Kells. We may take a trip out to see a midnight showing of a movie in the spring and you should join us for that too.

Whether you do or don't its no secret that young people love movies and music.  This is a generation of media consumers.  So what is a parent to do? How can parents help their children watch good movies, and I don't just mean morally pure, but also artistically and cinematigraphically pleasing ones. Here's a resource: Common Sense Media. They not only evaluate the movie for its age appropriateness, but also tell you what's in the movie, the basic plot and how good of a movie it is.  They do the same thing for video games, music and books too! If you're tired of playing the roulette game with the media your child consumes, sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes appropriate, sometimes inappropriate, maybe you should try Common Sense Media first.  Young people are going to keep loving movies and music, so let's make sure its good for them!