Friday, June 15, 2012


Pool Party 2012
This will be my last post.  Its pretty difficult for me to say goodbye. I have loved my time with the youth group of First United Methodist Church in Toms River.  What a blessing you have all been! 

Though the end of my time here in Toms River means I will no longer be your pastor, it does not mean the end of us.  God holds out a beautiful promise for all of us that one day, no matter what life may send our way, if we trust in Jesus, we will one day all be together again. We will one day experience the same love and joy we had as a youth ministry together. 

As we journey our separate ways, know that I hold you all in my heart. I love you all and will cherish our memories together forever.  But even then, this is not the end of us. Click the link below for a video and know that I am a text, a phone call, an email and a drive up the parkway away. God bless you and and may you know Christ more and more every day. Farewell my friends!

This is Not the End