Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Youth Council Meeting

Here's a thought: youth ministry only happens with the dedication, talent, love and energy of youth. Youth Council is a group that meets to help steer the course of the youth ministry. So that means, if the youth council is going to steer well it needs all the good things that young people bring to the table. So here's another thought: why don't some youth and young adults join the youth council to decide what the youth group does! Its only a thought, but maybe some youth and young adults would be interested in joining us July 26th at 4pm in the parsonage (101 Walchest Drive). Comment with your thoughts, or come to the meeting and tell us what you think!

Here's the agenda for youth council:

review the youth ministry.
what is the purpose of youth ministry?
what does our ministry do well?
what does our ministry do poorly and how can we change that?
in what direction do we want to move?

Should we add anything else? Let me know! God bless.